Friday, December 1, 2006

Joanna To Resign?

The Member for Gilmore is on record as having promised to resign if a nuclear reactor is built at Jervis Bay. This was before the recent release of the Switkowski Report which suggested that up to 25 reactors should be built in Australia.
Murray's Beach was selected some decades ago as the site for our second reactor and some construction work was begun. It has a number of unique features which make it's re-selection more than likely-
1. It has a deepwater port
2. It is within ACT territory and so would not be subject to a challenge from a State government
3. It is next to HMAS Creswell and so has inbuilt security against nuclear terrorism, a very real possibility.

Given the likelihood that a re-elected Liberal-National coalition government would commence a domestic nuclear industry and that the Shoalhaven is in at least the top 25 sites, perhaps Ms Gash should be asked to change her committment to a promise to vote against the establishment of a nuclear industry in Australia.

Email Joanna at

Joanna's Role in Parliament

Joanna was appointed a Goverment Whip by the PM in 2001. The duties of this position include organising other Liberal members to ensure they vote as directed. As such the Whip, more so than any regular backbencher, would find it nigh impossible to cross the floor and vote contrary to the Government line on any isssue. Joanna has never crossed the floor even on issues known to be close to her heart.
The party system has it's advantages but falls down when members feel strongly on an issue but are obliged to toe the party line. There is certainly an agument for at least a few Members of Parliament who are prepared to examine each issue on its merits and vote according to their considered assessment.